1.18.2 / 世界 / 自生果樹



世界にはさまざまな種類の野生の果物が生育しています。 これらは、適切な装置を使用して収集して食べることも、栽培することもできます。 これらはさまざまな種類の茂みや木で見つけることができます。 一般に、果物は 3 種類の植物で見つけることができます: 果樹背の高い茂み小さな茂み

すべての結実する植物には共通のライフサイクルがあります。 それらは1年周期で成長し、花を形成し、実を発芽させ、その後休眠します。

果樹には季節があります。 寒い季節には、これらの植物は茶色で生気のないように見えます。 春になると、緑色で健康になり、実を結んで大きく成長する準備を始めます。 これが起こる正確な時間は果物によって異なります。 果樹も同様に、老化や不適切な気候条件によって枯れる可能性があります。


果樹は、小さな苗木から大きな花の咲く木に成長します。 果樹の枝は心臓であり、気候条件が整えば成長します。 果樹が成長すると、枝の周りに が成長します。 葉は季節に応じて花が咲き、実がなります。



果樹は 苗木 から始まります。 苗木は、その果実の休眠期ではない場合にのみ成長を開始し、木の最初の部分を配置します。 完成した木のサイズは、元の苗木ブロックに何本の苗木があるかによって大まかに決まります。 苗木が多いほど、木が大きくなります。
より継ぎ を通じて、1 つのブロックにさらに多くの苗木を追加できます。 苗木を別の苗木に接続するには、苗木と ナイフ を左手に持ちながら、その苗木に Right Click するだけです。

果樹から苗木を入手するには、 を使って「エルボ」ブロック (片側以上のブロックに取り付けられている枝ブロック) の木を壊します。 苗木が高すぎない場合は、これらのセクションに苗木を配置することもできます。 これにより、1 つの果樹から複数の果物を育てることができます。 果物の収穫は、葉ブロックに実がなっているときに Right Click で行われます。 これで実が 1 つ得られ、植物は成長段階に戻り、冬の間休眠します。

Cherry Tree

Temperature: 5 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 100 - 350mm

Cherry trees grow in the months of January through March, start flowering in April and May, and bear fruit in June.


An example cherry tree.

Green Apple Tree

Temperature: 1 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 110 - 280mm

Green apple trees grow from March to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.


An example green apple tree.

Lemon Tree

Temperature: 10 - 30 °C
Rainfall: 180 - 470mm

Lemon trees grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.


An example lemon tree.

Olive Tree

Temperature: 5 - 30 °C
Rainfall: 150 - 500mm

Olive trees grow from March to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.

Olives can be used to produce Olive Oil, which can be used as a fuel for lamps.


An example olive tree.

Orange Tree

Temperature: 15 - 36 °C
Rainfall: 250 - 500mm

Orange trees grow from March to June, start flowering in July and August, and bear fruit in September.


An example orange tree.

Peach Tree

Temperature: 4 - 27 °C
Rainfall: 60 - 230mm

Peach trees grow from December to March, start flowering in April and May, and bear fruit in June.


An example peach tree.

Plum Tree

Temperature: 15 - 31 °C
Rainfall: 250 - 400mm

Plum trees grow from January to April, start flowering in May and June, and bear fruit in July.


An example plum tree.

Red Apple Tree

Temperature: 1 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 100 - 280mm

Red Apple trees grow from March to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.


An example red apple tree.

Banana Tree

Temperature: 17 - 35 °C
Rainfall: 280 - 500mm

Bananas are a special kind of fruit tree. They grow only vertically, lack leaves, and only fruit at the topmost block. Saplings are dropped from the flowering part of the plant. Once a banana plant is harvested, it dies, and will not produce any more fruit. It must be replanted in the spring.


An example banana tree.

Tall Bushes

Tall Bushes are fruit blocks that are able to grow in all directions, and spread. They do this by either growing directly upwards, up to three high, or placing canes on their sides, which can mature into full bush blocks. After a while, the bushes will stop spreading, and reach maturity. Harvesting these bushes with a sharp tool has a chance to drop a new bush. Bushes that are fully mature will always drop themselves.


A wild tall bush.

Tall bushes are able to spread when their canes have somewhere to take root. Practically, this means that they need a solid block under them to place a new bush on. Providing a flat, open area free of grass or other debris gives them the best chance to grow.

Bushes, unlike fruit trees, take into account surrounding water blocks to determine their Hydration, unlike fruit trees, which only care about rainfall.
Any full bush block can grow berries, which are harvestable with Right Click.

Blackberry Bush

Temperature: 7 - 24 °C
Rainfall: 24 - 100mm

Blackberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.

They can be found in areas with few trees.


An example blackberry bush.

Raspberry Bush

Temperature: 5 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 24 - 100mm

Raspberry bushes grow from April to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.

They can be found in areas with few trees.


An example raspberry bush.

Blueberry Bush

Temperature: 7 - 29 °C
Rainfall: 12 - 100mm

Blueberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.

They can be found in areas with few trees.


An example blueberry bush.

Elderberry Bush

Temperature: 10 - 33 °C
Rainfall: 12 - 100mm

Elderberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.

They can be found in areas with few trees.


An example elderberry bush.

Small Bushes

Small Bushes are a kind of low lying fruit block that spawns in forests. Small bushes occasionally will spread to surrounding blocks, if there aren't too many other bushes nearby.

Small bushes will go through three sizes, and when grown, they are harvested just with Right Click.


Three different sizes of a healthy small bush

Bunchberry Bush

Temperature: 15 - 35 °C
Hydration: 24 - 100 %

Bunchberry bushes grow from May to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a bunchberry bush.

Gooseberry Bush

Temperature: 5 - 27 °C
Hydration: 24 - 100 %

Gooseberry bushes grow from April to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a gooseberry bush.

Snowberry Bush

Temperature: -7 - 18 °C
Hydration: 24 - 100 %

Snowberry bushes grow from March to June, start flowering in July and August, and bear fruit in September.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a snowberry bush.

Cloudberry Bush

Temperature: -2 - 17 °C
Hydration: 9 - 100 %

Cloudberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June to August, and bear fruit in September.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a cloudberry bush.

Strawberry Bush

Temperature: 5 - 28 °C
Hydration: 12 - 100 %

Strawberry bushes grow from October to December, start flowering in January and February, and bear fruit in March.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a strawberry bush.

Wintergreen Berry Bush

Temperature: -6 - 17 °C
Hydration: 12 - 100 %

Wintergreen berry bushes grow from May to September, start flowering in October and November, and bear fruit in December.

They can be found in forests.


The monthly stages of a wintergreen berry bush.

Cranberry Bush

Temperature: -5 - 17 °C
Hydration: 30 - 100 %

Cranberry bushes grow from March to June, start flowering in July and August, and bear fruit in September.

They can be found in forests. Unlike most small bushes, cranberry bushes are grown underwater.


The monthly stages of a cranberry bush.